Akadimaiko Diadiktyo
Who we are
Full Name: Akadimaiko Diadiktyo – Greek Universities Network (GUnet)
Region: Greece
Type of Organisation, fields of activity:
SME. The non-profit civil company called “Greek Universities NETwork” (GUnet) was founded in September 12th 2000. GUnet has its central office in Athens and its members are all the Higher Education and Academic Institutions. The aims of the company are determined by the broadband network needs and objectives of the Greek academic community in the framework of Information Society aiming at servicing research and education.
Target Group
• Network Operations Centers (NOC) of all institutions
• Teaching and research staff of all institutions
• Students
• Pupils and teachers of the Primary and Secondary Education Level
• Public
What is particularly important to you?
• The development, support and management of the academic network of all Universities of the country
• The coordination in diffusion and promotion as well as the development of advanced network services and applications in the broad academic and research community
• The provision of network services to its members and third parties (institutes, foundations) whose activities aim at servicing research and education
• The participation in developmental, educational and research programs with regard to network technologies, services and applications aiming at the maintenance of the academic network at the peak of technology
• The development of collaborations with respective academic, research, educational networks of other countries
Why we take part in the project
GUnet aims at design services and content that support learning, there for GUnet is always open in participating in innovative projects that set new requirements for GUnet’s e-learning platform, referred to as Open eClass. The European Heart project is such a project, which with its demanding functionality and team, motivates GUnet and its staff to enhance the platform and their competences. Especially, GUnet is looking forward to design and implement the interactive online elements for the game. GUnet, apart from the Higher Education Institutes, supports the Greek Primary and Secondary Education via the elearning service: https://eclass.sch.gr which servers more than 1.064.000 pupils and 158.000 teachers. This will be a community that will be positively affected by GUnet’s involvement in this project.
What we are we going to do in the project
GUnet will design, implement and support the HEART online platform which will host and present the material developed in the project as well as the mobile applications for accessing the e-platform and its material. Also, GUnet will be involved in the design and implementation of the ACT Game which will be enriched with online interactive elements. Finally, GUnet will disseminate the project results to its network of Universities.
Dr. Pantelis Balaouras
p.balaouras [at] gunet.gr