Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark
Who we are
Full Name: University College of Teacher Education Styria with the associated Training Secondary School
Region: Our University College is located in the south-east of Austria, in the heart of the region Styria, in the city of Graz.
Type of Organisation, fields of activity:
The University College of Teacher Education Styria is one of the three largest (out of fourteen) in Austria. In common with the Training Secondary School we work with a focus on (social) inclusion based on democratic values and human rights.
Target Group:
Our legal mandate is to provide initial, continuing and further training for teachers, to conduct research related to the professional field and to advise and support schools and educational networks in their quality development. Currently there are more than 3000 students studying education. Additional for teachers on duty CPD programmes are offered across regions and federal countries.
In total a number of 180 students aged 10 to 14 years attend the Training Secondary School of the University College of Teacher Education. This all-day school is an inclusive place for students to learn and live together, the whole team is open minded in new educational findings and implantation of individual and sustainable processes in learning.
What is particularly important to you?
As the first university in the UNESCO school network, the University College of Teacher Education Styria committed itself to implementing the UNESCO goals at all levels of the organisation and making them visible. In the associated Training Secondary School also diversity is considered to be an enrichment for learning processes, the school also is part of the UNESCO school network of Austria.
Why we take part in the project
Our University College gives high priority to democracy and human rights in general, in this context there is a focus on Global Citizenship Education all over the college. Related to this, the European Heart Project is offering a holistic approach in teaching and learning democratic values based on human rights.
The Training Secondary School designs learning, in order the pupils are prepared for social and professional life and can participate as independent citizens. Topics such as environmental education, sustainable development, peace education, human rights and gender justice, intercultural understanding and climate change are dealt with in class as well taught in projects. Both students and teachers are skilled in working on digital devices, in the radio and television studio podcasts and videos often are produced.
The EU Hearts project touches on many of our areas of work. The approach of starting from the basic needs of individual people has fascinated us and released many ideas. Furthermore, the playful approach of working out milestones of democracy development with puppets appealed to us. Our creativity is challenged, and we can learn new things together.
What we are we going to do in the project
The whole partnership in the project develops materials for use in the classroom for the subjects History and Ethics as well as for use in interdisciplinary projects. To meet these goals, we all will make our best possible contribution. We will deal with the topic of women’s rights, especially the right to vote for women. In the project we can bring experience in social learning and creating videos with students.
Moreover, we have assumed responsibility for IO2: In the first year we will pass our expertise to the collaborating teachers in a workshop on screenplay design. In the second year PHSt will provide the film studio and experienced staff to assist the students in the production and synchronisation of the films.
Additional PHST is the leading partner for all dissemination activities on local, regional, national and international level. We contribute our expertise in the implementation of the EU_HEART website, in creating the newsletters, flyer and the materials for all outcomes.